New research out of the UK suggests that it is not only men who stare at women’s breasts. According to a survey by cosmetic surgery company, Transform, 90 percent of women also check out one another’s bosoms several times per day.According to The Sun, men are the “worst offenders.” Of the 1000 men questioned, nearly half admitted that they notice breasts before they look at a woman’s face and 40 percent claimed they sneak a peek a breasts at least ten times per day.Though Transform’s motivation for conducting the large-scale study of 1000 men and 2000 women may seem transparent, they did find that almost half of men think their partner’s breasts are beautiful and wouldn’t want them to change them in any way. Unfortunately, women reported lower levels of breast satisfaction with over half saying they are unhappy with their own set.
Pat Dunion, a spokesman for Transform, reports, “This research is a real insight into our attitude towards breasts. Our fascination with breasts, whether male or female, seems to be getting bigger each year.”
And though male breast enhancement surgery is reportedly on the rise, both men and women have lots of other options for learning to love their bodies. Click here for some tips on improving body image.
From Carnal Nation