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Spice Up Your Sex Life – LisaLiving

New relationship sex and sex-on-the-fly may burn up your sheets, but as routine and increased comfort levels settle in it can be hard to keep things hot in the bedroom. What’s a frisky girl to do? Try out these strategies to reignite your sex life and feel free to share your own with the lisaliving community.

One easy way to keep sex hot and keep your partner guessing is to initiate sex in unexpected locations. Leave the boring old bedroom behind and surprise your partner at work, in the shower, at the theatre, in the car, at the dinner table or in the kitchen. Obviously take the necessary safety precautions, think beyond intercourse and be aware of the laws in your area. Nothing turns a sweet sex session sour faster than a visit from the local authorities or a trip to the emergency room – trust me on this one.

Another simple way to make relationship sex hotter is to play with your timing. Instead of having sex right before you nod off to sleep, try it out in the morning or afternoon. You’ll never wake up on the wrong side of the bed again if you get it on before getting out of bed, as the increased oxytocin levels will ensure you start your day on the right foot. Afternoon delight is a real treat and if you have a partner who enjoys the visual aspects of sex, the natural daylight can be a big turn-on.

As the weather cools and you trade in your sexy summer dresses for sweatpants and furry boots, you may feel less than sexy beneath the layers of clothing. Combined with the drops in temperature and greyer skies, it’s enough to make you want to stay in and hide beneath the covers instead of getting out and getting it on. But if you want to keep your sex drive revving, you’ll need to be proactive and get moving to boost your energy levels. Be sure to make exercise a part of your regular routine, as it’s not only good for your heart, but active people report improved levels of sexual response, stronger sex drives and greater sexual satisfaction. So sweat it out in a hot yoga class, tear up the dance floor at a salsa workshop or sign up for a sports team full of athletic and eligible mates.

Last but not least, fine tune your sex skills and learn new techniques that will leave your partner begging for more. Read a new book or sign up for a sexy workshop to learn new ways to touch your partner and intensify pleasure and orgasms in and out of the bedroom.

Have fun, experiment and always practice safer sex.

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