Jess joins Fred and Mel every Wednesday morning at 7:40am, so be sure to tune into 102.1 The Edge or check back for the online clips!
This week, they discuss the rules of sex and relationships for those living with roommates. Some of Jess’ top tips include:
1. Keep the noise to a minimum. This means that moans, groans and dirty talk should be kept to a reasonable level. Depending on the size of your place and the location of your bed, you may not be able to muffle every little sound, but putting your face in the pillow, playing music and/or investing in a good quality gag should ensure that your roomies aren’t privy to your every fantasy.
2. Talk about nudity rules. If your name is on a lease, you have a say in the rules of your household. I love nudity, but not everyone does, so keep your lover(s) informed of the nudity rules before they wander into the hallway in their birthday suit.
3. Don’t expect to have many in-house date nights with a lover if their name isn’t on the lease. Your roommates might be kind enough to offer you an empty household once in awhile, but they’re not obligated to do so. On the flipside, if you know that you’ll be out all night, let your roommates know so that they can plan to host houseguests on those “bonus” nights.
4. Keep the sex in your bedroom or in the shower, but be sure not to hog the bathroom.
5. Speaking of bathrooms, if your love plans to spend the night, let your roommates know. If they’re spending half of their nights (and mornings) at your place, it might be time for them to start chipping in.
6. Don’t be a hater. If your roommate is in love (or in lust), don’t let jealousy get the best of you. Your time will come.
Listen to the full clip below. Dr. Jess’ interviews on the Fearless Fred Show are brought to you by Desire Resorts. Check them out!