Sexuality Superheroes: Linnea Marie

Say hello to this week’s Sexuality Superhero, Linnea Marie! Linnea is a sex educator, speaker and reviewer of sex toys. She is based in the Pittsburgh area, but that doesn’t stop her from spreading her sexual health knowledge about fellatio and female orgasm across North America! Get to know Linnea a little better by checking out her profile below.

How did you find yourself working in sexuality?

I was always that friend everyone went to for sex advice. I wasn’t afraid to talk about it nor engage in the fun activities. I took Human Sexuality and Psychology courses in college, which really sparked my interest. It was during that time that I also experienced my first orgasm [my “ah ha” moment]! I was beyond upset that no one told me about that pleasure, so I decided to make it a mission to spread an educational awareness by talking about orgasms and other related topics. In 2011, I started selling sex toys and hosting private parties. I had a thirst for more knowledge so I continued to read, attend workshops, conferences, and other seminars about everything sex. I started reaching out to amazing people in the field, learning from them, and writing about sex toys which helped me navigate the industry. Now I get to do something I truly have a passion for. I travel, host workshops, get to help people, and speak on a topic that is so needed in today’s society.

What is the best part of the job?

I absolutely love giving people their first sex toy(s). Empowering individuals to take hold of their own sexual energy motivates me. I love seeing their eyes light up and hearing about their “ah ha” moments. We are sexual beings and when we can understand and learn how to embrace that, we can do better for everyone and the future. Sex isn’t just for procreation. It’s for pleasure, connection, and enjoyment. Encouraging safer sex practices and promoting healthy consensual relationships is such a rewarding feeling.

What is the most challenging part of the job?

Trying to combat thousand year-old Puritan ideology. Human sexuality is a studied science. However on a daily basis we have to fight against beliefs, misinformation, shame, and fear. Humans are so complex and we don’t fit in a box. People are so quick to pass judgement without even trying to understand.

What is your most important piece of advice that has the potential to revolutionize relationships?

Make time for each other. Life can get so busy but making time and prioritizing happiness, pleasure, and intimacy can make a world of difference in relationships. Be willing to try new things and don’t be afraid to stimulate your senses. Allowing your partner or partners to be authentically themselves in a relationship matters. For instance, they might want to try something that you’re hesitant about, which is perfectly okay as communication can help work towards a successful and enjoyable experience.

What do you do to decompress and take care of yourself given that you spend so much time helping and caring for others?

I masturbate, really. I look forward to getting my nails and toes done every month, it’s so relaxing. My dick grippers have to be A1, Haha.

What do you want people to know about your work as exxxiteme?

I love life and am just trying to help others. I just want people to laugh and learn. I want them to be who they needed when they were younger.

Where can we learn more about your work?

Check out Linnea’s website, and follow her on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook!

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