Say hello to this week’s Sexuality Superhero, Cameron Glover. Cameron is a business coach for sex educators, meaning she supports experts in the field, helping their businesses thrive. Get to know Cameron a little better, and read her feature below.
1. How did you find yourself working in sexuality?
I fell into the sexuality field almost by accident. I studied literature during undergrad and planned on teaching in academia. But once I graduated, I had to figure out what to do in the meantime. I started freelance writing and continued that for five years. Through freelancing, I got to research and look into so many different paths, and writing sexuality-focused stories got me curious about what it was like to go even further into this space. One Google search of “How do you become a sex educator?” later and I found myself researching certification programs.
Today, I’m a full-time certified sex educator, business coach, and founder of my own brand, Successful Sex Ed.
2. What is the best part of the job?
Hands down, it’s the fact that I get to do what I love, every single day. Sex education and business coaching merge together better than I would have expected, and being able to support other sexuality professionals in monetizing their skills and using it to create sustainable income for themselves is such a dream.
3. What is the most challenging part of the job?
I think for as much innovation and change in the world, it’s still challenging to deal with other people’s sex-negativity and projections onto who you are and the value of the work that we do. I have to navigate entrepreneurial and business-focused spaces differently than other founders, and while that challenge means that I get to help change people’s perception of what’s possible, it can be discouraging to deal with the additional barriers that stand in the way of sexuality professionals being able to access the same resources as professionals in other industries, but having a supportive community and knowing the importance of the work that we do really helps when those things come up.
4. If you were a superhero, which superpower would you have and why?
I’m a big comics and anime nerd, so I really love this question! I think that I’d go with a classic: telepathy. It’d be so helpful as a sex educator to know what people were thinking!
5. Who is your biggest inspiration or role model?
I don’t have one specific person that I would consider an inspiration. Instead, I have a variety of people that I consider inspirational for me, both inside the sexuality field and out. Some folks that come to mind for me include: WOCSHN, Bianca Laureano, Kai, Kevin Patterson, Sex-Positive Families, Janis Luna and Ev’Yan Whitney. Definitely way more than that, but these folks I particularly want to shoutout.
6. If you could conduce any sex research project, what topic would you choose and why?
I’d love to do research on business trends amongst sexuality professionals. I’d want to do something long-term, like what different sexuality professional business owners found were common themes within their work, generating revenue, connecting to their community, all of it. As I dive further into this work, there’s still so much newness surrounding being a sexuality entrepreneur and having a sexuality-based business. If more information on how we can succeed in doing this work and create full-time incomes for ourselves (if we want it) were available, I think more people would consider this as “real” work.
7. Where can people learn more about your work?
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Cameron Glover (she/her) is a Black femme, certified sex educator and founder of Successful Sex Ed. With Successful Sex Ed, she helps sexuality professionals learn how to monetize their expertise to create thriving online businesses. In addition, Cameron also hosts the Sex Ed in Color podcast, where sexuality professionals of color share their stories and experiences about being in the field.