The Netflix of Porn: Bellesa Plus

After a recent podcast on ethical porn with the fabulous Jetsetting Jasmine, I was approached by Bellesa Plus, a porn company run by women. I’ve partnered with them to spread the news about Bellesa Plus and thought I’d share the questions I asked of them before opting into the partnership.

Check out the Q&A below.

Bellesa-1What is Bellesa Plus?

Bellesa Plus, a streaming porn platform, is THE Netflix of Porn. Committed to bridging the gap between mainstream and adult, Bellesa Plus is on a mission to make ethical porn accessible to as many people as possible — by allowing subscribers to choose what price they want to pay for porn.

The mission is to empower women to embrace/ explore/ celebrate their sexuality.

What inspired you to launch Bellesa (Plus)?

The biggest thing we would hear originally when discussing ethical porn, is “why would I pay for porn?”. And to be fair, we kind of understood it. Until very recently, there hadn’t been much conversation around the production or consumption of ethical porn, or what free tube sites meant. The tides are shifting- sexuality/porn is becoming increasingly less stigmatized, which allows people to feel more comfortable talking about it, and in turn, wanting to ensure that content is consumed ethically.

While the average adult subscription maintains a price point of $29/mo, typically for a single studio’s library, Bellesa Plus allows subscribers to pay as little as $3/mo for full unlimited access to ad-free, and 4K streaming of Bellesa’s robust library of premium content, which includes:

  • Bellesa House (directed by women)
  • Bellesa Blind Date (porn stars on blind dates)
  • Bellesa sex-ed seminars, workshops, and events hosted by therapists and educators
  • 9:00 am-9:00 pm EST live chat with Bellesa Sex Gurus

We are deeply committed to making ethical porn accessible to everyone.

Bellesa Plus Feature
Still from new series: Bellesa Blind Date

Who is your target audience?

Bellesa creates porn by women, but we invite anyone and everyone to whom ethical, genuine adult content appeals.

What are the key components of ethical porn? And how do you ensure that your content is produced ethically? What makes ethical porn more appealing from a content perspective? (e.g. if the actors are doing things they enjoy, does it come across more authentically?)

Consent – Everything on Bellesa is consensual (sex + filming). Before a scene is filmed, performers are informed of the storyline and are encouraged to communicate their likes/dislikes with their partners. This way they can express if they are comfortable with the story/role.

Bellesa-2Chemistry – Performers will never work with someone they do not want to work with. By allowing performers to choose who they work with – will create a deeper connection between the performers and create hotter sex scenes.

Connection – The main focus is on connection and genuine pleasure. Women are shown as subjects of pleasure instead of objects of conquest. Bellesa is creates women friendly porn.

Environment – Performers’ physical comfort/ needs (food, water, lube!) are prioritized on set as well as their safety. Constant STI (and COVID-19) testing are done to ensure the safety of everyone on set. Performers should feel comfortable enough to call “cut” during a scene if they ever need to.

Your offerings include erotic audio — why are people drawn to audio-only content?

Audio erotica leaves a ton of room for imagination. It uses a completely different sense, and it’s fun to be able to switch things up.

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