The @SexWithDrJess Podcast

Have a sex and/or relationship question for the podcast? Let us know!

Please record your message/question in a quiet room and use your phone’s headphones with built-in mic if possible:

Press the button to start recording (up to 300 seconds/5 minutes of audio). Please state your name/preferred pseudonym & contact info if you’d like a response. Don’t forget to hit save when you’re done


Or you can send us a message the semi-old fashioned way using the text form below.

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    Your Email (optional)


    Your Message

    By sending this e-mail you agree that Dr. Jess has the right to post your question on this website or use it in a future podcast episode. She will not use your name, and may edit the question as needed. The e-mail address that you provide may be used to send you a notice stating that your question has been addressed on the podcast, but you will not receive a response to the question via e-mail. The e-mail address you provide may rarely be used by to send you e-mails regarding updates to the site, but it will never be used for any type of outside solicitation, and it will never be released in any way. Your name always stays confidential.

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